FAQs about Therapy or counseling in Oakland, CA.

(picture of cut out question marks) FAQS about therapy and counseling Oakland, CA

It’s really normal to not know what to expect when starting therapy. You are starting a brand new relationship that can be very intimate, and yet this new person isn’t exactly your buddy, either! The therapy relationship between a therapist and a client has a different set of rules than a typical relationship in order to support your personal growth and change. This can be confusing at first! Here are some answers to some common questions about what to expect when you are starting therapy to help demystify the process.

Question #1: How does therapy work?

Therapy works by forming a relationship with a therapist through weekly meetings together. Through this relationship, the therapist supports you in discovering your own goals and personal needs to reach those goals. The therapist collaborates with you on meeting those needs and working towards your determined goals. Therapy can look really different, depending on the type of therapist you are seeing, their communication style and training, and your own personal needs/ goals.

Question #2: How do I know if I need therapy?

Not everyone needs therapy, but most people can benefit from extra support from time to time when life throws a curveball at you. A few reasons someone might start therapy include noticing that it’s harder to manage stress, having trouble coming up with a solution to a difficult life problem, struggling with a relationship or life transition, or feeling down or stuck in your day-to-day. It can be really helpful to go to therapy for additional support at times in life when things are feeling more difficult than normal.

Question #3: Can I expect to feel better right away?

The answer to this varies depending on what you are getting support with, your own personal history, current life stressors, and the “right fit” of the therapist. Many clients start to notice some changes in the first few months. Sometimes, just the act of starting therapy can feel empowering and hopeful, easing some discomfort. Most of the time, however, therapy takes time to really notice the big changes- growth doesn’t happen overnight!

Question #4: What is the difference between a counselor, therapist, social worker, and psychologist in Oakland, CA?

A counselor, social worker, and psychologist are all trained to offer psychotherapy in graduate school, and can all be therapists. Their background, education requirements, and focus in school looks different based on their degree. Not all counselors, social workers, and psychologists choose to become psychotherapists. As a licensed therapist, each profession requires continued education after graduate school in order to maintain their license. It can be helpful to look at a therapist’s training in order to determine if they’re the right fit for your specific needs.

Question #5: Can’t medication fix my problem? Do therapists prescribe medication?

Therapists do not prescribe medication, but they can refer you to a psychiatrist for medication if determined helpful. Most therapists have a basic understanding of how medication works, in how it impacts your mental health symptoms. In most cases, medication for your mental health does not “fix” the underlying cause of the symptom. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t consider medication! Medication can be so helpful (and sometimes, necessary) to ease your symptoms to give you space to work on the underlying root cause of your symptoms.

Question #6: How is therapy different than asking a friend for advice?

Your therapist is not your friend, and for good reason! Therapy is a bit more one-sided than talking with a friend. Therapy provides a space for you to talk all about you, not your therapist’s needs, feelings, or opinions. This allows for a collaborative and supportive relationship that focuses on meeting your personal goals and mental health needs.

I hope this helps you find the right therapist in Oakland, CA. If you are still feeling stuck, feel free to schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation through my contact page. I’d be happy to hear about what is happening and help direct you to the right person. If you are looking for help with anxiety & stress, trauma & PTSD, harm reduction for addictive behaviors, or couples therapy, you can read more about how I can help here.


What to Expect From Your First Therapy Session in Oakland, CA


Questions to Ask a Therapist in Oakland, CA