EMDR Intensive Therapy

Short-term Accelerated & Customized EMDR Therapy Program

EMDR Intensives in Oakland, CA

EMDR therapy is known for its ability to facilitate rapid and efficient healing. By targeting the root causes of trauma, EMDR therapy helps individuals process distressing memories and experiences more effectively than traditional therapy approaches, often in a shorter timeframe. EMDR is a highly effective therapeutic approach that can alleviate the impact of various challenges, including trauma, anxiety, depression, addiction, and relationship stress, and even enhance performance capabilities.

But what if you simply don't have the time to commit to weekly therapy appointments?

Juggling work, family, and a hectic schedule can leave you feeling like there's no way out.

You’re a busy person, and you need therapy that works on your schedule. EMDR Intensive therapy may be a helpful solution and help you feel better, faster, than the traditional weekly therapy model.

Hi, I’m Mary (she/her).

I am a certified EMDR therapist in Oakland, CA. I help people find peace and balance in their day-to-day lives and overcome obstacles that are holding them back personally and professionally.

As an EMDR therapist, I have advanced training in working with folx with complex PTSD and trauma, addiction, relationship stress, and anxiety. My approach is collaborative and warm, yet direct, and supportive.


Many of the clients I work with often express a sense of being trapped or stagnant before beginning therapy. They often share their frustrations of having tried numerous approaches without success, and their eagerness to find something that can bring them relief swiftly. While EMDR therapy is a journey that may require some time, it is common for clients to report noticeable improvements in their well-being after just a few traditional 50-minute EMDR sessions.

EMDR intensive therapy can be a great choice for those looking to get accelerated and effective results from an intensive session.

How do EMDR Intensives Work?

EMDR intensives work by condensing the EMDR therapy process into a concentrated and focused timeframe, allowing individuals to experience accelerated healing and transformation. Here's a general overview of how EMDR intensives typically work:

  1. Consultation: During our initial 30-minute free video consultation, we will determine if you may be a good fit for an EMDR intensive program. We will decide on and schedule your treatment program. After scheduling your EMDR intensive program, you will receive a customized treatment workbook with homework to help prepare for your EMDR intensive and to use as a resource after your treatment program. I will review your workbook before your EMDR Intensive experience to customize your treatment program.

  2. Initial Interview: During this 90-minute interview, we will discuss your history, symptoms, and treatment goals. We will also discuss unpleasant beliefs, body sensations, emotions, or images from which you are seeking relief. The interview can be done either in person in Mary’s office in Oakland, or through video telehealth.

  3. Your Intensive Program: We will meet in person in Mary’s office for your EMDR intensive program. EMDR Intensives are offered during weekdays (typically M, W, F), and range from a half-day, full-day, to 3-day intensive. Before diving into the trauma processing part of your intensive, we will ensure you have the necessary skills and resources to cope with any distress that may arise during the process. This will involve teaching relaxation techniques and grounding exercises, in addition to identifying any additional prep work that may be necessary to support you in your EMDR Intensive treatment. We will then dive into the trauma reprocessing portion of your intensive to lessen the effects of unpleasant memories, thoughts, or feelings for which you are seeking relief.

  4. Follow-Up: After your intensive session(s), we will meet for a 30 min follow-up appointment (telehealth or in person) to close out our time together and celebrate/ integrate your progress. I will provide you with tools and techniques to continue your healing journey independently and offer any necessary follow-up appointments.

It's important to note that the specifics of EMDR intensives can vary depending on an individual’s unique needs. The intensity and duration of the intensives are tailored to each person's circumstances and therapeutic goals. Many people choose to work on their trauma histories through follow-up intensives scheduled at their convenience, often monthly, quarterly or bi-annually. Throughout the process, I will provide feedback and guidance around what will be the most supportive for your unique needs and treatment goals.

EMDR Intensives Program Structure



3 hours/ 1,050

3 Day

15 hours/ 5,250

Full Day

5 hours/ 1,750


Curious if EMDR Intensive Therapy in Oakland could be a good fit for you? Let's connect! I can help you determine if intensive therapy aligns with your support needs.